
The Perfect Chess

Gift Card

Give someone access to the best chess tools for training.
Help them skyrocket their rating.

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Buy a Gift Card

Choose the exact date when you want your chess eGift to be delivered and we'll email the recipient on that day.

You cannot choose a past date for delivery.

How would you like to pay for the gift card?

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Gift Card FAQ

You can gift any of Chessify plans: Amateur, Master, GM, as well as our combo plans, of either 1-month or 1-year duration. See the details of our subscription plans.

No. Gift purchases are one-time purchases and will not renew automatically.

Of course! You just need to enter the email address of the recipient, and we'll send them instructions on how to register on Chessify alongside their gift.

The recipient of the gift will receive an email from Chessify. The email will be sent on the delivery date that you select when submitting the purchase.

Fabiano Caruana

US No 1, World No 2, All-time No 3

Top-level chess demands utilizing every possible advantage, and Chessify delivers the fastest cloud engines in the chess world...

Anish Giri

Super GM, Dutch No1

Chessify is the perfect option if you want to be able to work with the strongest chess engines, have premium service, and don't like settling for the second-best...

Levon Aronian

4th Highest-Rated GM in history

I can confidently say that Chessify is one of the tools that revived my career after a rough patch. I use their servers every day and enjoy playing around with different setups...

Let’s get in touch!

We usually reply in a matter of a few hours. Please send us an email if you have any questions or visit our FAQ page for quick help