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The Latest Development Version of Lc0, v 0.31 is Available on Chessify


Chessify is excited to announce the integration of the latest Lc0 development version - v 0.31, along with the addition of two new networks, BT3 and BT4. These updates mark a significant enhancement in the quality of evaluation and analysis offered by Leela Chess Zero.

LCZero 0.31, while still in development, is already showcasing success in the Top Chess Engines Championship (TCEC), hinting at its refined algorithms and efficiency.

LCZero version 0.31 and new networks

The two new networks, BT3 and BT4, expand our repertoire of Lc0 neural networks. They are not only the largest but also the latest iterations following the BT2 network. The 'Big Transformer' (BT) networks are designed to deliver deeper and more nuanced evaluations, yet they may reach higher depths more slowly.

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