metalic chess board

Multi-Game View for Chess Tournament Livestreaming is Finally Here!

If you watch chess tournaments live, you've probably faced this issue countless times. You want to follow multiple games from live tournaments, so you open a myriad of browser tabs and switch continuously between them to keep up with the move changes. What a joy killer for an otherwise excellent entertainment! No worries, we found the solution.

Today, Chessify is excited to announce the official release of its tournament livestreaming platform, designed to support multiple game views in a single browser tab.

Cheasify Livestreaming View

Key Features of Chessify's Live Streaming Platform:

  • - Comprehensive Main Page: Includes sections for featured, ongoing, past, and upcoming events.
  • - Support for Multiple Games View: Watch up to 9 games side-by-side without switching browser tabs.
  • - Integrated Analysis Tools: Chessify users can log in to analyze games at speeds matching their subscription plan or even rent a dedicated speed server for deeper insights.


Special Thanks to Lichess

We extend our gratitude to Lichess for their commitment to providing free chess services. Our live streaming platform is possible thanks to their team's diligence in collecting live tournament data.

What are the Benefits of Following Chess Tournaments on Chessify?

Let's quickly go through the main advantages that Chessify livestream offers. Here's how we enrich your viewing experience and make following chess tournaments more enjoyable and effective:

1. Best Interface for Following Multiple Games View

If you enjoy watching multiple games in one browser tab, you'll love this new feature. Chessify's live streaming page allows you to create a grid of games you want to follow and displays them in smaller chessboards side by side. You can track up to 9 games simultaneously, with evaluation bars next to each board giving you a quick overview of the ongoing games. This way, you won't need to switch from one game to the next, making it easier to stay on top of all the action.

The multiple-games view is easily customizable, allowing you to add and remove any of the games with just a couple of clicks. Plus, you can always expand any of the games for in-depth view and analysis.

2. Compatible with Other Chessify Features that Your Account Has Access to

Our live streaming page closely mirrors Chessify's analysis dashboard, incorporating all the features available to your account. So if you're a Chessify user, you can access the Mega, Lichess, and ICCF game databases, multiple engines and speed servers, as well as video search, to enhance your viewing experience. If you add your comments and analysis to the ongoing games, you'll have the ability to download them as PGN files or save them directly to your cloud storage on Chessify.

3. Choose the Power of Your Engine Analysis

As you may know, Chessify offers a variety of cloud servers for engine analysis, with speeds ranging from 1000 to 1,000,000 kN/s (equivalent to 1 - 1000 MN/s). Every live streaming viewer has free access to the 1000 kN/s basic speed server for Stockfish and six other top-rated engines, including Berserk and RubiChess. However, if you are a Chessify subscriber, your analysis speed will match your subscription plan.

Additionally, if you have Chessify coins, you can rent dedicated speed servers ranging from 130-1000 MN/s for your live streaming view. High-speed engines can uncover lines you won't want to lose, and you can save any games with variations directly to your Chessify account for future access.


Celebrate with Us

Since you've made it to the end of our announcement, we have a special gift for you. To celebrate the launch of our new live streaming feature, we're offering a 20% sitewide sale until August 26th. Don't miss out — find the plan that suits you best on our pricing page. Even if you choose a free account, you can start following your favorite chess events on our new live-streaming page and enjoy many of our features for free.

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