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Six Piece Syzygy Endgame Tablebase is Added to Chessify

We’re happy to announce the addition of endgame tablebases into our cloud engines. This new feature will improve the engine analysis and help you find the best moves in endgames faster.

Endgame tablebases (EGTBs or EGTs) are a computerized database of precalculated endgame positions. We’ve chosen the 6-piece Syzygy tablebase. The latter will enable the engines on Chessify Cloud to instantly see:

  • - if any position containing 6 pieces or less is theoretically winning, losing, or drawn with perfect play from both sides
  • - how many moves it will take to mate a given side
  • - what is the best move in the position


EGTBs offer a range of advantages. They allow engines to retrieve data directly from their database instead of searching on their own. As a result, the engines are able to instantly find the best move that will lead to the shortest win.

Some players refrain from using endgame tablebases because their data are too large for downloading and storing. Plus, they require complicated codes for probing. However, Chessify stores the tablebases in the cloud and does all the coding for you, so you get a new feature without any disadvantages.

Currently, the Syzygy tablebase is available for engines running on dedicated servers only. However, our team is working to make this feature available for the shared servers as well. Please visit chessify.me/analysis to try our cloud engines.

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