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27 Elo stronger Stockfish 16.1 is Now Available on Chessify for Advanced Cloud Chess Analysis

We are excited to announce that Chessify has upgraded to the latest version of Stockfish, Stockfish 16.1! With this latest release, Stockfish 16.1 showcases significant improvements, including an Elo gain of up to 27 points. In testing matches against its predecessor, Stockfish 16.1 managed to win over 2 times more game pairs than it lost.


Analyze with Stockfish 16.1


How to Analyze with Stockfish 16.1 Online with Chessify

As a Chessify user, you can now take advantage of Stockfish 16.1's refined capabilities. Visit chessify.me/analysis to start analyzing with the latest SF version at 1000kN/s for free and subscribe to increase its speed to up to 1 BN/s (equivalent to 1,000,000 kN/s).

IMPORTANT: Due to the new larger net, Stockfish 16.1 experiences a decrease in its NPS speed, which, however, does not indicate any decline in its performance; in fact, its analysis quality will be higher. In light of this, Chessify will maintain access to the previous version, Stockfish 16, to allow our users the flexibility of choosing between the two versions based on their preferences and needs.

stockfish 16.1 on chessify website


What's New in Stockfish 16.1

Stockfish 16.1 introduces several enhancements including:

  • - Updated NN architecture: The latest Stockfish features an upgraded neural network architecture (version 8) for higher evaluation accuracy.
  • - Dual NNUE: For the first time, Stockfish includes a secondary neural network, enabling quicker evaluations for positions that are easily decided.
  • - Expanded Binaries: Stockfish now offers 13 new binaries, which take advantage of specific CPU instructions for improved performance.
  • - Removal of handcrafted evaluation (HCE): With this release, Stockfish transitions to a fully neural network-based approach.
  • - Updated testing book: Derived from the open Lichess database, this new book is 10 times larger than its predecessor.


Final Thoughts

At Chessify, we are committed to delivering the most powerful analysis tools to our users. By upgrading to Stockfish 16.1, we ensure that you have access to the latest advancements in chess engine technology. Stay updated with the latest news/updates and announcements by joining our Discord server and following our news page.

If you're new to Chessify, check out our video tutorials to get started easier and experience the power of Stockfish 16.1 on Chessify today.

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