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Get as Many Coins as You Need with Our New Coin Slider


Chessify continues its wave of improvements. Today we're introducing our coin-slider which will allow you to choose the amount of your purchase manually. 

Previously, Chessify had several one-time packages, each offering a certain number of coins and validity periods. From now on, all coin purchases will have a validity period of one year, while the amount of the purchases will range between $5 - $10,000. You can find the new slider on Chessify's pricing page.


The slider provides options from $5 - $1000, but if you need more coins, you can simply type the amount manually in the input fields below the slider. You may either 

  • 1. type the number of coins you want to get or 
  • 2. type the budget that you are ready to spend


Based on the size of your purchase, the system will automatically calculate the bonus that you qualify for. You can get up to 80% bonus coins


Please note that due to the recent changes on Chessify, purchasing coins will not qualify you for free unlimited analysis of up to 100,000 kN/s speed. Coins will allow you to rent the higher-speed servers and engines: 300,000 - 1,000,000 kN/s Stockish, 100 kN/s LCZero, etc. 

To get access to the unlimited up to 100,000 kN/s Stockfish analysis, users will need to subscribe to one of Chessify's plans. Learn more about our new subscription plans here.

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