metalic chess board

Introducing the PDF Scanner Feature: Transform Your Chess PDFs into Interactive E-Books

In recent years, electronic books have gained immense popularity, and chess enthusiasts are no exception when it comes to embracing electronic files for reading chess books. However, chess is a unique field that requires an accompanying chessboard to follow the author's analysis and moves. To cater to this need, Chessify has developed a chess-specific PDF reader and scanner, transforming the way you engage with chess e-books.

chess PDF reader and scanner

This innovative feature allows you to upload a chess PDF file and read it through while scanning the diagrams inside the book as needed. Just like our chessboard scanner, the PDF reader/scanner too was initially available only on Chessify's mobile apps. It has been a game-changer for our mobile users, enabling them to store, read, and scan their chess e-books with ease. Now, we are thrilled to introduce the PDF Scanner to our website, albeit in its Beta state. 

While the functionality is slightly different from the mobile version, it offers a seamless experience on our website's analysis dashboard. In this blog, we'll walk you through how to make the most of this new feature on our website.


Section 1: How to Use the PDF Scanner on Chessify's Analysis Dashboard

Using the PDF Scanner on our website is quick and straightforward. All you need is a free account on the Chessify analysis dashboard. Follow these simple steps to get started:

  • 1. Log in or register at chessify.me/analysis.
  • 2. Click on the PDF Scanner tab on the right side.
  • 3. Upload your PDF file by clicking the upload button or by dragging and dropping the file.


How to navigate through the book

Once uploaded, you can start reading the PDF like an e-book while interacting with the diagrams inside the book. On pages that include chessboard positions, you will see a green "Scan" button below the diagrams. By clicking on the button, you will transfer the position onto the analysis board. From there, you have a plethora of options at your disposal: analyze the position with engines, move the pieces around to follow the game in the book, and save the position as FEN or PGN on Chessify's cloud storage to access it later from any device. To make the most of our platform, explore the full list of Chessify features available.

If you prefer to focus on reading the book and would like to hide the "Scan" buttons on the diagrams, you can do so by clicking the button shown in the screenshot below. This will allow for a distraction-free reading experience while still providing the option to interact with the diagrams when desired.

Hide the scan button in PDF scanner


Section 2: Beta Version and Free Access

As we roll out the beta version of the PDF Scanner feature, we are happy to offer it for free to all users. We encourage you to try out this new feature and share your feedback with us, either by email or through our Discord channel. Your insights are crucial in helping us improve the PDF Scanner's performance and usability as we continue to refine it.

Please be aware that the PDF scanner feature will not store the uploaded file on the website during this beta phase. The chess PDF file will only be available for the duration of the session. If you close the specific tab or window, the file will disappear, and you'll need to re-upload it for future use. Refreshing the page, however, will not lose your file.


Section 3: Future Plans and Updates

The PDF reader/scanner is yet another helpful tool to assist chess enthusiasts in their training, and we surely plan to enhance its functionality in time. As we continue to refine this feature, we will also explore various storage options to improve the overall experience of our users and subscribers. Be sure to join our Discord server to stay informed about announcements regarding new developments as well as share your feedback and suggestions.


The latest additions to our website also include a chessboard scanner and full-game analysis with one click. Please follow our news page to stay updated about new engine versions and features.

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