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Chess Puzzles - Mate in 2

A chess game can end in multiple ways, checkmating your opponent's king is undeniably the most satisfying. Learning strategies on how to build your attack correctly or tricks on how to win in chess faster can surely help you up your game, especially in rapid and blitz games.


However, it's important to remember that theory alone won't make you a better player. To truly hone your attacking and tactical skills, you need to put what you learn into practice. And when it comes to practice, solving chess puzzles is one of the most effective ways to improve. Checkmate puzzles, in particular, will help you become more opportunistic and better at spotting tactics quickly, which is crucial in fast-paced chess games.


In this blog, we've collected 10 mate-in-2 puzzles to help you easier spot checkmates during a real chess game.



1. White to move





2. White to move




3. White to move



4. White to move



5. White to move



6. White to move



7. White to move



8. White to move



9. White to move



10. White to move




1) 1. Nb8 Kd4 2. Bb2#

2) 1. Bh1 Rxh3 2. c4#

3) 1. Qa6 Rxe4 2. Rf5#

4) 1. Nc4 bxc4 2. Nf4#

5) 1. Ng8 Nxf8 2. Rxc5#

6) 1. Re1 Nxb5 2. Qxc4#

7) 1. Qb8 Kxc3 2. Qb4#

8) 1. Rc7 Nxc7 2. Nxd6#

9) 1. Ne5 Bxe5 2. Qf2#

10) 1.Ne4 c3 2. Ba2#


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