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Top 5 Birthday Puzzles from the Games of Savielly Tartakower

Born on February 22, 1887, in Rostov-on-Don, Russia, Savielly Tartakower was one of the leading chess players of the early 20th century and is still remembered today for his contributions to opening theory and his colorful and witty writing style.

Tartakower was a prolific writer who cooperated with various chess magazines and wrote several books and brochures on chess. The most famous of these, Die Hypermoderne Schachpartie (The Hypermodern Chess Game) was published in 1924 and has been issued in almost 100 editions since, introducing the world to the ideas of the hypermodern school of chess.


Savielly Tartakower vs Eduard Lasker, New York 1924 | Photo: Wikipedia

In addition to his writing, Tartakower was a successful tournament player and competed in most of the major tournaments of his time. He had a number of notable victories, including winning the Polish Chess Championship twice (1935 and 1937) and the Hastings International Chess Congress in 1927.

Tartakower lived a long and eventful life; he died on February 4, 1956, in Paris, France. He is still remembered today as one of the great chess players and writers of his time, and his contributions to the game continue to be studied and appreciated by chess enthusiasts around the world.

In celebration of Tartakower's birthday, we're presenting 5 puzzles from his games. We hope these puzzles will inspire you to explore Tartakower's contributions to the game and appreciate his unique playing style.


1. Saviely Tartakower vs M Billecard, Ostende, 1907

White to win

See the solution: 1. Qd8 if 1...Qe4 then 2.Be7 Qxe7 3. Qxe7 wins

Tartakower vs M Billecard


2. Saviely Tartakower vs Richard Reti, Vienna, 1920

White to mate in 2

See the solution: 1. Rb6 Rb6 2.Qa8

Tartakower vs Reti


3. Savielly Tartakower vs Endre Steiner, Budapest, 1921

White to win

See the solution: 1. Rb8+ followed by Nxd7

Tartakower vs Steiner


4. Saviely Tartakower vs Fritz Igel, Vienna, 1928

White to win

See the solution: 1. Qxe6 Qxe6 2. d7 wins

Tartakower vs Igel


5. Saviely Tartakower vs Nicolas Rossolimo, Paris, 1936

White to win

See the solution: 1. Ng6+ if hxg6 2. Qh6+ mates

Tartakower vs Rossolimo

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