metalic chess board

How to Solve Chess Puzzles: Tips and Strategies for Beginners and Beyond


Chess puzzles are an essential tool for improving tactical awareness, calculation skills, and pattern recognition. Whether you're a beginner or an intermediate player, solving puzzles sharpens your ability to spot tactics and apply them in real games. Beyond their educational value, puzzles are also a great way to enjoy chess in short, focused sessions.

Chess puzzles help players of all levels build intuition and develop a structured approach to problem-solving. They come in various forms, from checkmate sequences to tactical combinations, each reinforcing different aspects of the game. By consistently solving puzzles, players learn to identify winning moves faster, improve their decision-making, and become more confident in practical play.


Key Puzzle Types and Themes

Understanding common puzzle themes helps in solving them efficiently. Some of the most important themes include:

Checkmate in One, Two, or Three Moves:

These puzzles train your ability to spot forced checkmates quickly. They help build a strong attacking mindset and develop finishing skills.

Tip: Start by identifying all possible checks first—forcing moves simplify calculation and quickly lead to mate.

Find Checkmate in One Move

Try solving more beginner-level puzzles.

Click to see the solution  1. Qh7#

Checkmate in 1


Find Checkmate in Two Moves

Check out our collection of 10 beautiful checkmate in 2 puzzles.

Click to see the solution  1. Nb3+ axb3 2. Qxc2#

Checkmate in 2


Find Checkmate in Three Moves

Checkmate in 3 puzzles can be some of the most difficult and challenging puzzles that you encounter. But if you like challenges, then check out our list of ten mate in 3 puzzles.

Click to see the solution  1...Qxb1+ 2. Kxb1 Nd2+ 3. Ka1 Rc1#

Checkmate in 3


Pin and Skewer:

Learn how to restrict your opponent’s mobility by attacking pieces that are lined up. A pin forces a piece to stay put, while a skewer attacks a more valuable piece, forcing it to move and leaving another piece behind.

Tip: Look closely at lined-up enemy pieces—spotting these alignments early is key to exploiting pins and skewers.

Pin & Win

Example of a pin in chess


Example of a skewer in chess

Fork and Double Attack:

A single move attacks two or more pieces at the same time. Knights are especially powerful in executing forks, but queens and pawns can also create devastating double attacks.

Tip: Always scan the board for undefended or loosely defended pieces—these are prime targets for forks and double attacks.


Example of a fork in chess

Double Attack

Example of a double attack in chess


Discovered Attack and Discovered Check:

Moving one piece reveals an attack by another, often catching the opponent off guard. A discovered check can be especially deadly, as the opponent must react to the check while another threat looms.

Tip: Pay special attention to pieces lined up with the enemy king or valuable targets—moving one piece can unveil hidden threats.

Example of a discovered check in chess


Defensive Tactics (Stalemate):

Not all puzzles are about attacking. Some teach you how to escape threats, force a perpetual check, or turn a losing position into a draw. 

Tip: When facing defeat, actively look for perpetual checks or stalemate possibilities by limiting your own available moves.

Black to play & Draw

Click to see the solution  1.Qg4 fxg4 is a stalemate. Otherwise, Black will take the a4 pawn and equalize the material, leading to a draw.

Example of a stalemate defense in chess


Tips for Beginners:

If you're just getting started with chess puzzles, it's important to build a strong foundation before moving on to more challenging problems. Here are some key tips to help you improve:

  • Start with simple puzzles – Focus on basic tactics like checkmates, forks, and pins. These fundamental ideas will give you the confidence and skills needed for more advanced positions.
  • Recognize patterns – The more you solve similar types of puzzles, the better you’ll get at spotting tactical themes in real games. Repetition is key to developing strong intuition.
  • Visualize before moving – Instead of guessing, take a moment to picture the entire sequence of moves in your head before making a move. Try to calculate everything instead of relying on instinct alone.
  • Learn from mistakes – It’s okay to get puzzles wrong, but make sure to review your mistakes. Understanding why a solution works (or fails) will help you avoid similar errors in future games.
  • Practice every day – Even solving just a few puzzles daily will improve your tactical awareness over time. Consistency matters more than solving a lot in one session.
  • Improve board vision – Train yourself to quickly recognize threats, weak squares, and tactical opportunities. A strong board vision makes it easier to find good moves in actual games.
  • Set personal goals – Give yourself small daily or weekly challenges, like solving a set number of puzzles or gradually increasing the difficulty level. This keeps your improvement structured and motivating.


Progressing to the Intermediate Level

Once you're comfortable with basic tactics, it's time to push yourself further and tackle more advanced puzzles. Here’s how you can improve your puzzle-solving skills:

  • Work on complex puzzles – Start solving puzzles that involve multiple tactical ideas, such as sacrifices that lead to checkmate or sequences that force a favorable endgame.
  • Master move combinations – Many strong tactics involve a sequence of precise moves rather than a single winning idea. Learn to calculate deeper combinations that secure material or a positional advantage.
  • Study real-game puzzles – Some of the best learning comes from seeing how grandmasters like Magnus Carlsen, Fabiano Caruana, and Bobby Fischer executed tactics in real tournament games.
  • Train with timed challenges – Fast-paced modes like Puzzle Rush will help you develop quick pattern recognition, which is essential for finding strong moves under time pressure.
  • Don’t neglect defense – Not all puzzles are about attacking. Work on saving tough positions, preventing blunders, and setting up counterplay when you're in a difficult spot.
  • Focus on move order – Sometimes, a slight change in the sequence of moves can completely alter the outcome. Always check if your moves are played in the best order.
  • Break down difficult puzzles – If a problem feels too challenging, try to divide it into smaller steps. Work through it carefully instead of rushing to find the solution all at once.


The key to improving at chess puzzles is patience and persistence. Keep solving puzzles regularly, analyze your mistakes, and challenge yourself with new tactical patterns. Over time, you’ll start seeing these ideas naturally in your own games.


Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even experienced players make mistakes when solving puzzles. Here are some habits to avoid:

  • Guessing moves – Always calculate properly before making a move. Relying on intuition alone can lead to blunders.
  • Ignoring your opponent’s resources – Chess is a two-player game, so always consider how your opponent can respond before executing a tactic.
  • Skipping explanations – Understanding why a tactic works is just as important as finding the right move. Take time to analyze solutions.
  • Moving too fast – Rushing can cause you to overlook better moves or defensive ideas. Take a moment to verify your solution.
  • Neglecting endgame puzzles – Many players focus only on middlegame tactics, but learning endgame techniques is crucial for overall improvement.


Where to Practice Chess Puzzles

To improve your puzzle-solving skills, practice with high-quality resources. Here are some of our resources:

  • Daily Chess Puzzles – Stay sharp with fresh tactical challenges every day by following our X page, where we post GM-selevted puzzles daily. You can check out the most popular of our X (formerly Twitter) puzzles here.
  • Checkmate Puzzles – Perfect for sharpening your calculation skills. Some of the most beautiful compositions are in this category. Once you start solving mate in 1 puzzles easily, transition into solving mate in 2s.
  • Difficult Chess Puzzles – If you feel like you're advanced and want more challenging puzzle, then you can test your tactical depth with these hard puzzles.
  • Real-game Puzzles – No other category sounds as instructive as learning from the real tournament games by the world's best players. We have collections of top puzzles by Magnus Carlsen, Bobby Fischer, Garry Kasparov, Fabiano Caruana, Anish Giri, Levon Aronian, Alexander Grischuk, Maxime Vachier-Lagrave, Hou YifanAkiba Rubinstein, and Savielly Tartakower.
  • Chessify’s Puzzle Scanner – If you want to analyze puzzles more deeply and test alternative moves, you can scan any chess position from books or real boards using Chessify’s mobile app, or copy and paste a puzzle image onto our analysis dashboard. Your position will be digitized in seconds, allowing Stockfish to immediately analyze every move for you and help you understand exactly why certain moves do or don't work.


Chess puzzles are one of the best ways to sharpen your tactical vision, calculation skills, and overall game strategy. Whether you're a beginner learning basic checkmates or an intermediate player improving advanced tactics, consistent practice with structured puzzles will accelerate your chess growth.

By incorporating puzzles into your daily chess routine, you'll develop the ability to find strong moves easier during real games. Keep practicing, stay curious, and continue exploring the depth of chess tactics!


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